We are residents of white canyon. We live beside Tuttlecreek lake. Our only road to our home has been under water for 8 months. We do not have another way in. No police, fire, or ambulance. We have contacted our county commissioners several times but so far nothing has been done. We are senior citizens and have had to buy an atv to drive thru the woods for about a mile to get to our home. The corp of engineers do not think the water will go down all year. We pay taxes but cant get an emergency road to our home. We had to make our own road to get thru the woods. Please can we get help, winter is coming!! Thank you.
Please join Manhattan residents in Triangle Park in Aggieville at 8pm on Friday, July 12 to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees in detention camps across the country.
Representatives from the local faith community and elected officials have been invited to speak.
Please feel free to make and bring signs to express your concern, outrage, and/or disappointment with our government’s treatment of refugees – people who are simply trying to seek a better life for themselves and their families. Materials to make signs will also be available at the vigil.
Share this information with others so we can fill Triangle Park with a sea of people.
Hi Sydney! My name is Stephanie and I am on the Outreach team at ActBlue. I wanted to reach out and see if you are interested in using ActBlue as your fundraising platform for your campaign in the next cycle. Please let me know and we can hop on the phone this week and get you refamiliarized with ActBlue’s tools.
Please meet with me here in Manhattan. I desperately need your help! I have been frauded several times by Medicaid and I am desperate. I have an advocate from Pawnee Mental Health that has been in total shock as to what has been happening with my application, which I would love for the 3 of us to meet. the reason for denial, (court orders and copies of the laws about work comp Medicare set aside accounts were sent with my application). Per KanCare policy department the amount in that account is considered “countable household resource”. IT IS NOT. Following is just part of the law that I sent!
MSA Account Requirements, Rules and Regulations
The most important thing you need to know about your Medicare Set-aside Account is that you are not free to spend that money however you want – and you are not even free to spend it on every medical need you may have for your injury.
I have been denied twice for this reason since August. Also, the first time when I was denied, my advocate filed my appeal, faxed copies of everything. Was 3 pages. When she called for an update was told that an appeal was never done. She told them she had confirmation of the appeal. Kancares response was, " We see 3 pages came in but are only showing what 2 of the pages are (Court Order and MSA Laws), after 30 minutes and talking to 3 people that said the same thing about 3 pages coming in but only seeing 2. Which of course my advocate offered to fax the proof which of course they said no. The final decision by Kancare was that I had to reapply. No appeal! I just recieved the denial letter again today for that same reason! I dont know if our state is just really that broke and that is why these games are being played or the state of Kansas has that many incompetent employees. I am desperate and in need of medical assistance. What bothers me the most is that I insisted on that account to take at least some of the burden off of Kansas taxpayers. And the state of Kansas is making me pay for it by making my life hell.
Landon Cook commented
2019-02-27 06:30:08 -0800
Dear Sydney Carlin,
My name is Landon Cook, I am an architecture student at Kansas State University. I am currently participating in a seminar called community development and planning Taught by Labarbara Wigfall. Currently we are talking about political assets within communities and was wondering if you or if you knew of someone who could come talk to our class about this topic? It would mean a lot to hear from one of our state representatives regarding this topic and how politics play a role in building communties.
Landon Cook
Kim Grodberg commented
2018-08-27 13:37:00 -0700
I am a 64 year old man who is totally disabled. I am, what is labeled by the state of
Kansas, “Medically Needy,” (http://www.kdheks.gov/hcf/kancare/Dec_2017_Output/keesm7532.htm) a rather pejorative term if you ask me. Because of this I have been placed on a Medicaid “Spend Down.” This intentionally limits my income ($868/mo.) to $495/mo ($5,940/year).
Every six months I must pay $2238 for medical expenses before Medicaid pays for my medical bills. For the first month of each six month period over 100% of my income goes to medications. The second month over 100% goes to medications again. The third month about 50% ($441) goes to medications and then Medicaid kicks in. I am told by the Kansas Clearinghouse that this will continue when I turn 65 and start with Medicare.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment sets the poverty (income) guideline for a single person at $12,060 (http://www.kdheks.gov/shcn/income_guidelines.htm). That means the Medically Needy are expected to live on 49% of the poverty guideline. That seems reasonable to me. After all, in Kansas $12,060 is practically rich, isn’t it?
Seriously, how am I expected to pay my mortgage (only $167/mo.), my property taxes, my homeowners insurance, my auto insurance, my utilities, my food and clothing, upkeep on my house, and any other expenses which may occur with such an utterly cruel program demanding such a large portion of my income? How does the Kansas legislature come up with such a monstrous treatment of the poor, elderly, totally disabled, such as myself, and get away with it? I feel as though they want me to die quickly and to cease being a financial burden to the state.
PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO HELPKANSANSLIKE ME. If federal funds are still available, take them. If some projects need be delayed, delay them. If taxes need to be raised, so be it. All Kansans’ lives matter, don’t they? This Spend Down must end.
I await your response. Time is critically important for me as I will not be able to continue to live my very simple but meaningful life if this burden is not lifted soon.
Riley County Democratic Party has a booth at Riley Co. Fair, no. 29. Please (if you wish) have someone bring copies of your literature to us there, so we may distribute it for you. Someone should be on duty at the booth 7/26 Thursday through the following Monday, 7/30.
Cornell commented
2018-07-06 07:58:39 -0700
Patrick Carleton commented
2018-06-27 18:43:47 -0700
Hi Sydney,
Knowing that we’re down to the final days before the primary, I hoped to set up a quick call to discuss our digital hypertargeting technology. In the last three years, over 85% of the 2,000+ candidates that have used our tech have won their seats.
We are the postal service of the internet. If you provide us with a list of physical mailing addresses (voter file), instead of the home receiving a post card they would receive banner ads as they surf the internet. We invented and patented this technology, and we’re the only company in the world that can do this.
Note that we are a technology, not an agency nor consultants. We work with hundreds of political agencies who act as resellers, many of whom whitelabel our technology.
I would love to tell you more about our capabilities and see how we can help you win in the primary. What date and times work for you?
Hi Sidney Carlin! I read about you in Jeffrey Harden’s book, Multidimensional Democracy. In fact, as you know, the book starts with your story! I am from Medford in Suffolk County, NY (Long Island) and have worked for Democratic candidates in 2016. We lost! Suffolk County needs a person like you to defeat the Republicans.
I would love to invite you here in Suffolk County so you may share with us your political experience and wisdom — being a winning Democratic candidate in a state where 60% vote Republicans (according to Jeffrey Harden).
Please let me know whether you’d be interested.
David MacFarland commented
2018-01-27 06:34:27 -0800
HB2482 leaves only a 4-hour “window” when a Kansan could NOT be served an alcoholic drink! This is insane. Society needs more sobriety, not less. Whoever introduced this bill is either greedy, or drunk—or both!
Leo Schell commented
2018-01-19 13:32:15 -0800
Sydney, Be careful of the new prison. Several states built large ones and then laws changed. E.g., In Burlington, CO, the state built a multi-million $$ one, SE of town, that sits totally empty because CO changed marijuana possession laws. Other states also overbuilt. KS???
John Warnica commented
2017-06-10 17:17:36 -0700
I need to get information on where I can go for short term cash assistance. I am 58 years old with COPD. According to my Dr. I am considered fully disabled. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Amanda Gress commented
2017-03-21 08:40:39 -0700
Jerry Hunter commented
2017-01-30 17:05:35 -0800
Could you give me a call.
Eileen Johnson followed this page
2016-10-14 06:50:53 -0700
Eileen Johnson commented
2016-10-13 19:43:55 -0700
Representative Carlin,
My name is Eileen Johnson and I am currently a senior majoring in philosophy at Kansas State University and I am also currently in the process of applying to medical school.
The reason I am writing to you is to ask for help in supporting and maintaining the philosophy department at KSU. Everyone is quite aware of the horrific budget cuts affecting K-State (as well as all other public schools in Kansas). As a philosophy major, I am in the smallest departments at K-state, but I am also arguably in the best department at K-State as well. Not only are the faculty members of the philosophy department phenomenal instructors, they are also supportive role models and are constantly engaging student’s intellectual curiosities. Unfortunately, many people (including some in the academic administration of KSU) fail to recognize the value and benefits that obtaining a degree in philosophy can produce (e.g. strong critical thinking skills, improved writing skills, tools for assessing ethical issues, understanding other’s perspectives, improved problem solving skills, etc.). It has become apparent that the administrators of the college of arts and sciences, faced with the massive budget cuts, plan on dramatically reducing the number of faculty members in the philosophy dept. even though philosophy is a requirement for graduation (part of the "K-State 8). Philosophy classes are a discussion based classes, thus student enrollment per class needs to remain somewhat low, about 30-40 students per class. However, it appears that in one year from now the dept. will have 5 less faculty members (from an already tiny department). If this occurs, there will be no way to ensure every student can enroll in a philosophy class that is required of them. Or, even worse, the university may force the classes to become large lectures with 100+ students enrolled in each class- this would be terrible! no discussions or debates can occur in a coherent manner with a class of that size, students will lose the opportunity to engage in philosophical discussions that can hold great value to the individuals involved.
The reason I am writing all this to you is because you claim you are an advocate for the students, faculty and staff at K-State. As an advocate I hope you recognize the importance of the students having exposure to philosophical content and structure, which leads to the development and refinement of many critical skills.
In the Philosophy department we currently have 3 wonderful and amazing visiting professors, But due to the devastating budget cuts to our department, the provost will not allow us to make any of their positions permanent even though the dept. is already short staffed. I can’t emphasize how important and beneficial philosophy classes can be for students.
I am asking you, an advocate of education, to help ensure the integrity and structure of the KSU philosophy department. The three visiting Professors- Prof. Ferrin, Prof. Dipaolo, and Prof. Immermen- are all gifted instructors who deserve to stay in this department. Is there anything you can do to help? Is there any way that you could ensure these professor’s remain in the philosophy dept- not only because all three of them deserve their positions, but also because the dept. desperately needs them as well.
I am just a simple undergraduate student, but theK-State philosophy dept. dramatically impacted my life for the better and I can’t bare to see it fall apart due to lack of money.
Showing 51 reactions
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Friday, July 12 at 8pm
Triangle Park in Aggieville
Please join Manhattan residents in Triangle Park in Aggieville at 8pm on Friday, July 12 to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees in detention camps across the country.
Representatives from the local faith community and elected officials have been invited to speak.
Please feel free to make and bring signs to express your concern, outrage, and/or disappointment with our government’s treatment of refugees – people who are simply trying to seek a better life for themselves and their families. Materials to make signs will also be available at the vigil.
Share this information with others so we can fill Triangle Park with a sea of people.
MSA Account Requirements, Rules and Regulations
The most important thing you need to know about your Medicare Set-aside Account is that you are not free to spend that money however you want – and you are not even free to spend it on every medical need you may have for your injury.
I have been denied twice for this reason since August. Also, the first time when I was denied, my advocate filed my appeal, faxed copies of everything. Was 3 pages. When she called for an update was told that an appeal was never done. She told them she had confirmation of the appeal. Kancares response was, " We see 3 pages came in but are only showing what 2 of the pages are (Court Order and MSA Laws), after 30 minutes and talking to 3 people that said the same thing about 3 pages coming in but only seeing 2. Which of course my advocate offered to fax the proof which of course they said no. The final decision by Kancare was that I had to reapply. No appeal! I just recieved the denial letter again today for that same reason! I dont know if our state is just really that broke and that is why these games are being played or the state of Kansas has that many incompetent employees. I am desperate and in need of medical assistance. What bothers me the most is that I insisted on that account to take at least some of the burden off of Kansas taxpayers. And the state of Kansas is making me pay for it by making my life hell.
My name is Landon Cook, I am an architecture student at Kansas State University. I am currently participating in a seminar called community development and planning Taught by Labarbara Wigfall. Currently we are talking about political assets within communities and was wondering if you or if you knew of someone who could come talk to our class about this topic? It would mean a lot to hear from one of our state representatives regarding this topic and how politics play a role in building communties.
Landon Cook
I am a 64 year old man who is totally disabled. I am, what is labeled by the state of
Kansas, “Medically Needy,” (http://www.kdheks.gov/hcf/kancare/Dec_2017_Output/keesm7532.htm) a rather pejorative term if you ask me. Because of this I have been placed on a Medicaid “Spend Down.” This intentionally limits my income ($868/mo.) to $495/mo ($5,940/year).
Every six months I must pay $2238 for medical expenses before Medicaid pays for my medical bills. For the first month of each six month period over 100% of my income goes to medications. The second month over 100% goes to medications again. The third month about 50% ($441) goes to medications and then Medicaid kicks in. I am told by the Kansas Clearinghouse that this will continue when I turn 65 and start with Medicare.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment sets the poverty (income) guideline for a single person at $12,060 (http://www.kdheks.gov/shcn/income_guidelines.htm). That means the Medically Needy are expected to live on 49% of the poverty guideline. That seems reasonable to me. After all, in Kansas $12,060 is practically rich, isn’t it?
Seriously, how am I expected to pay my mortgage (only $167/mo.), my property taxes, my homeowners insurance, my auto insurance, my utilities, my food and clothing, upkeep on my house, and any other expenses which may occur with such an utterly cruel program demanding such a large portion of my income? How does the Kansas legislature come up with such a monstrous treatment of the poor, elderly, totally disabled, such as myself, and get away with it? I feel as though they want me to die quickly and to cease being a financial burden to the state.
Would your news department please bring this Spend Down to the attention of your audience? More information can be found at: http://www.kancare.ks.gov/consumers/program-fact-sheets/docs/default-source/Consumers/benefits-and-services/fact-sheets/spenddown-fact-sheet-2018-01
PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO HELP KANSANS LIKE ME. If federal funds are still available, take them. If some projects need be delayed, delay them. If taxes need to be raised, so be it. All Kansans’ lives matter, don’t they? This Spend Down must end.
I await your response. Time is critically important for me as I will not be able to continue to live my very simple but meaningful life if this burden is not lifted soon.
Thank you very much!
Kim Grodberg
Manhattan, Kansas
Knowing that we’re down to the final days before the primary, I hoped to set up a quick call to discuss our digital hypertargeting technology. In the last three years, over 85% of the 2,000+ candidates that have used our tech have won their seats.
We are the postal service of the internet. If you provide us with a list of physical mailing addresses (voter file), instead of the home receiving a post card they would receive banner ads as they surf the internet. We invented and patented this technology, and we’re the only company in the world that can do this.
Note that we are a technology, not an agency nor consultants. We work with hundreds of political agencies who act as resellers, many of whom whitelabel our technology.
I would love to tell you more about our capabilities and see how we can help you win in the primary. What date and times work for you?
Best Regards,
I would love to invite you here in Suffolk County so you may share with us your political experience and wisdom — being a winning Democratic candidate in a state where 60% vote Republicans (according to Jeffrey Harden).
Please let me know whether you’d be interested.
My name is Eileen Johnson and I am currently a senior majoring in philosophy at Kansas State University and I am also currently in the process of applying to medical school.
The reason I am writing to you is to ask for help in supporting and maintaining the philosophy department at KSU. Everyone is quite aware of the horrific budget cuts affecting K-State (as well as all other public schools in Kansas). As a philosophy major, I am in the smallest departments at K-state, but I am also arguably in the best department at K-State as well. Not only are the faculty members of the philosophy department phenomenal instructors, they are also supportive role models and are constantly engaging student’s intellectual curiosities. Unfortunately, many people (including some in the academic administration of KSU) fail to recognize the value and benefits that obtaining a degree in philosophy can produce (e.g. strong critical thinking skills, improved writing skills, tools for assessing ethical issues, understanding other’s perspectives, improved problem solving skills, etc.). It has become apparent that the administrators of the college of arts and sciences, faced with the massive budget cuts, plan on dramatically reducing the number of faculty members in the philosophy dept. even though philosophy is a requirement for graduation (part of the "K-State 8). Philosophy classes are a discussion based classes, thus student enrollment per class needs to remain somewhat low, about 30-40 students per class. However, it appears that in one year from now the dept. will have 5 less faculty members (from an already tiny department). If this occurs, there will be no way to ensure every student can enroll in a philosophy class that is required of them. Or, even worse, the university may force the classes to become large lectures with 100+ students enrolled in each class- this would be terrible! no discussions or debates can occur in a coherent manner with a class of that size, students will lose the opportunity to engage in philosophical discussions that can hold great value to the individuals involved.
The reason I am writing all this to you is because you claim you are an advocate for the students, faculty and staff at K-State. As an advocate I hope you recognize the importance of the students having exposure to philosophical content and structure, which leads to the development and refinement of many critical skills.
In the Philosophy department we currently have 3 wonderful and amazing visiting professors, But due to the devastating budget cuts to our department, the provost will not allow us to make any of their positions permanent even though the dept. is already short staffed. I can’t emphasize how important and beneficial philosophy classes can be for students.
I am asking you, an advocate of education, to help ensure the integrity and structure of the KSU philosophy department. The three visiting Professors- Prof. Ferrin, Prof. Dipaolo, and Prof. Immermen- are all gifted instructors who deserve to stay in this department. Is there anything you can do to help? Is there any way that you could ensure these professor’s remain in the philosophy dept- not only because all three of them deserve their positions, but also because the dept. desperately needs them as well.
I am just a simple undergraduate student, but theK-State philosophy dept. dramatically impacted my life for the better and I can’t bare to see it fall apart due to lack of money.
Please help if you can.
Best wishes,
Eileen Johnson